Archive for the ‘Power’ Tag

Trying to Be Thankful

Thursday, May 15th, 2014

I’ve had a rough week on the thankfulness tip. I try to stick with the idea of being thankful every day… I mean I always have things to be thankful for… but bitterness has crept in this week in a big way.

I’m sincerely sick of self-righteous self-deceiving church leaders who shit on the little people… and it makes it hard to call myself a Christian. I love Jesus, but so many of the people who claim to follow him don’t even seem to try to follow His words at all.

So… I AM thankful for my friends who keep the faith and fight through the bullshit, but I AM NOT thankful for these men and women “of God” who power trip and refuse to live lives that God would be proud of. I know I fail time and time again, too, but it’s hard to believe that some of these church leaders even try to live a faithful life.

Praying for the people being oppressed by these powerful men and women who pretend to be living for Christ… there are people hurting right at this moment that I type and my heart goes out to them.

Thanks, Valentine’s Style

Friday, February 14th, 2014

Yesterday, I was very thankful thank our electric didn’t go out and the snow caused us no damage.

Today, I’m thankful for my Valentine, 12 years running. Loving you babe!

Thanks, Days 37-38

Friday, February 7th, 2014

Yesterday, I was very thankful our electricity came back.


Today, I’m thankful for my kiddos and the Souderton Burger King!



Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely

Thursday, November 7th, 2013

This story has me really screwed up right now. In short, it’s about a dad who was pissed that his work van got taken by his son after they had a fight… so, he called the cops. The cops chased down his son and ultimately shot and killed him. Icing on the cake, the asshole cop who shot him is getting paid leave during the investigation.

I’d bet all of my money the cop ends up with no jail time and I wouldn’t at all be surprised if he even retains his job. THIS is what’s wrong with being given God-like power. You make decisions hastily because you don’t fear the consequences. Nevermind that we are taught as society to trust the police to serve and protect… nevermind that the dad was just trying (perhaps quite stupidly) to show tough love… nevermind the other details of the story… let’s just realize this: A TEENAGE BOY IS NEEDLESSLY DEAD and the man who shot him is on a paid vacation.