Archive for the ‘The Lego Movie’ Tag

Thanks, Day 140

Tuesday, May 20th, 2014

So, I know, I missed a few days… again… I’m trying, I promise.

Today was a rough one, a friend of ours passed after a two year battle with a vicious strain of breast cancer. But, in a positive turn of events, a federal judge struck down the PA marriage ban.

I posted the following on my Facebook page:

My News Feed has been flooded with extreme sadness and extreme happiness. A friend passed overnight and several friends got married as soon as they possibly could.

The cool part of it all is that the same-sex marriage ban being lifted today was kinda a perfect salute to my friend. While she was married and in love with an awesome guy, she was always a staunch supporter of equal rights. Her daughter came out of the closet, welcomed with open arms, which of course only strengthened my friend’s desire to right the injustice thrust upon same-sex couples.

So, as much as my heart is aching for her husband and children, I also get the sneaking suspicion that she’s got a big smile on for her friends and her daughter, who finally get some rights that they should have had long ago.

This kinda sums up the day, so in other words, I’m thankful that a big step was made towards fairness and equality in PA today. I’m thankful that love prevailed. And… I’m also thankful that The Lego Movie came out digitally today.

Oh… one last thing… this is my favorite part of what the ruling judge said when he struck down the bullshit PA same-sex marriage ban:

Some of our citizens are made deeply uncomfortable by the notion of same-sex marriage. However, that same-sex marriage causes discomfort in some does not make its prohibition constitutional. Nor can past tradition trump the bedrock constitutional guarantees of due process and equal protection.

I’m thankful for the fact that discomfort does not equal reason enough for a law.

Thanks, Day 42.5

Wednesday, February 12th, 2014

I am quite thankful that someone decide to write, produce, and direct The Lego Movie.

Thanks, Days 40-42

Tuesday, February 11th, 2014

On Sunday, I was very thankful for some quiet time to finish chores while my kids were at Sunday School.

I was also extremely thankful for how much my little man, Weston, enjoyed his 3rd birthday party.

Yesterday, I was thankful that my little man turned three… here’s hoping to the end if the terrible twos.

Last night, I was thankful that I got my weekly grad school paper done in time, even if it was only 1 minute before the deadline… literally!

Today, I’m thankful that I get to bring my Cashman to see THE LEGO MOVIE! Woot woot!